So today I went to a theme park called 'Everland' with my university. The weather was really cloudy and looked like it might have rained, but it wasn't raining when we left so we went anyways. It only took about an hour to get to Everland, even though it is located outside of Seoul near Yongin. When we first approached, we drove over a mountain and you could look down in the valley and see the park. I only hoped that I wouldn't have to do too much mountain hiking to get me through this park, but I did see a huge roller coaster that I was excited for. Getting even closer to the gates, I noticed something that perked my interest. The gate to Everland also led to a place called Caribbean Bay, which isn't connected to Everland but is located right next door. If any of you reading this are K-Pop fans, you will know Caribbean Bay because it is where 2PM and SNSD sang 'Cabi song.' I wanted to go, but I couldn't. Fortunately, the weather wasn't good enough to go to Caribbean Bay anyways because it is like a pool and ocean-like area.
Entering Everland, I got even more excited. It felt like going to Disney World again because the theme here is different countries and because it is really for little kids. Unfortunately, while we were standing there waiting for our wristbands to get into the park, it started raining. My friend and I decided that the first thing we were going to do was ride a roller coaster before all the rides shut down, and that is exactly what we did. The closest one to the gate worth merit was Rolling X-Train, so we rode it. Let me say it was far more disappointing than I thought! I am used to Cedar point and this roller coaster was dinky and really short. It also was the only ride we got to ride in the park, even though there was only one other ride I would ride. It was the biggest roller coaster in the park and it looked awesome but it was closed. It was the T Express, the steepest roller coaster in the world! it was such a bummer not to ride it. All there was left to do now was shop and do indoor activities.
Entering Everland |
T Express |
Cute things under the cute tree |
Everland is divided into different zones: Global Fair, American Adventure, Magic Land, European Adventure and Zoo-Topia. The first one we visited was Zoo-Topia where I took a safari ride that changes my desire to go to Zoos. This safari had the animals just walking around on their own and the buses would drive right up next to them! I have never been so close to a Lion or Bear before in my entire life! The lions were literally walking around on the streets! Another great thing about this safari is that it had a Liger, a mix between a lion and a tiger. It was pretty sweet! After the safari, my friend and I went into the gift shop to buy what we had been seeing everywhere: Cute animal ear headbands! Let me tell you, you cannot go to Everland without buying a set of these ears! One: It will make you feel left out if you don't and Two: They really do make you feel a lot like a kid again, which I love!
Ears and Glasses to Buy at Everland |
To talk about the events that I participated in in all the little places around the park, I must first say that it was all in Korean and I didn't understand any part of the performance or movie that I was participating in. On that note, almost all the indoor activities were side shows where you could see a 4D movie or watch a little skit. They were all really cute and Korean, but I didn't get it at all. Still, it was a great way to waste time in the park. Also, I loved participating in little kid activities! There was one activity that was indoor that was not a show and that was a shooting game in a Haunted mansion. The game was a little disappointing because it was shorter than I anticipated but My friend and I beat these two military men we were playing against! Haha I felt so bad for them, but it was awesome!
Garden at Everland |
Everland bench |
Now before I end this post, I would like to comment on the shopping that can be done at Everland. When you first go there, all you see is shops filled with cute stuff, but let me warn you! All the shops sell the exact same thing so there is no point in going into every single one of them, like my friend made me do! If you want to buy something, go to the huge store at the entrance of the park, because it sells more than the other shops and because it includes everything the little shops sell. It saves time if you just go here first and buy your animal ears! Anything else you buy is up to you, but I would recommend saving your money and only getting the ears, which I think are necessary for you to truly enjoy your experience. Overall, I think Everland is awesome except for the stores and some of the indoor activities, but I am sure if you go on a non-rainy day, it will be a great experience for you and your friends/family! Just like Disney World, except smaller!
Cute Liger Bus that has an animal pop out of it! |